Monday, February 9, 2009

Our Serendipitous Rendezvous With Fate

I don't know if you believe in serendipity, the phenomenon of finding something of great value that you're not even looking for, but I have come to know that it actually happens; it's happened to me.

A number of years ago, before the turn of the millennium, I was working for worldwide billion-dollar corporation that had to make sure they were Y2K compliant, and I was put in charge. At the time, I worked at the corporate headquarters, which had a fairly good-sized campus made up of a half-dozen buildings and at least 1,400 employees. As I began my new responsibility, I personally met with each of the department heads and their people to express how much the company needed their support to successfully pull off this multi-million dollar project; and that's where I first met Bonny.

We had never met before, at least that's what we naively thought. I'm not even sure what actually brought the two of us together that day except, of course, for fate. But as we talked, we quickly discovered some similarities in our interests, especially concerning the potential of the human mind. And before either of us knew what was happening, we were meeting every day for our lunch hour to pursue where this fascination might lead to. That's when I realized that she had the uncanny ability to Travel with her mind unlike anybody else I had ever met, and I had met hundreds by that time.

Traveling is the innate, but commonly unrecognized, ability to propel the mind to any place and time (past, present, or future), and view those events with relative clarity. I've come to know for a fact that anyone can Travel, anyone with the desire to do so. But there's a wide spectrum of ability, and I've seen in my experience both ends and many of the gradient levels in between. Bonny, I discovered, is at the high end of that spectrum. I, personally, was at the low end, mostly because of my analysis paralysis, which is another story.

Over the next 3 years together, we Traveled practically every day, close to a thousand, if my calculations are correct. Most individuals couldn't handle the shear physical and emotional drain that Traveling can sometimes have on the body, but she did and usually without complaint (imagine experiencing something akin to a Past-Life Regression every day). At the beginning, I had a very long list of "curiosities," a wish list of "unsolved mysteries" that I hungered to one day solve, and before I knew it, every item on that list was crossed out and whole new lists of curiosities were being generated; it never ends!

Have you ever allowed yourself to consider that Time Travel was more than Science Fiction? Even if you did, secretly because, of course, no one would allow you to openly discuss it without mocking your beliefs and dreams, did you ever believe that the ability would be realized in your lifetime? Well, it has, and you can experience it for yourself; it's as simply as what I have come to refer to as "focused relaxation." If you want to learn how, read our ebooks or attend one of our workshops; you'll never be the same again!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Focused Relaxation Leads to Mind Travel

From my earliest memories, I have had an inner fascination with how things work, which was very likely the underlying draw that eventually lead me into a career with computers--the ultimate mechanical device. But the creative (right) side of my brain eventually caught up with the logical (left) side as experiences during my teenage years progressively turned my thoughts to the inner workings of the mind itself—the ultimate biological device.

And then one day, as more times than not seems to be the unintentional way progression in such things just happens in my life, I stumbled onto a stage performance that would literally change my life and tie it all together in one remarkable epiphany. There on a high school stage was a world-renowned hypnotist who seemed to be able to control the minds and therefore the unrehearsed antics of my closest friends in ways that they couldn't begin to explain nor even remember. I was completely taken by the whole experience, which turned into a unquenchable thirst to understand every aspect of what this man knew that allowed him to have inconceivable power over others' minds.

I immediately located an acredited school and subsequently became certified as a hypnotherapist and began working with anyone and everyone that I thought might be able to take advantage of my new-found skills, even if they couldn't pay me for my time; what did I care, I was hooked. And then, as before, without the slightest intention, the next giant step in my evolution of grasping the mind just happened.

My soon-to-be sister-in-law that I had worked with several times longingly expressed a home sickness that I couldn't ignore. So, once in the relaxed state of mind, I simply suggested that she focus her attention on her mother's face and attributes, which she readily did. Then, without a second thought, I suggested that she allow the mind find her.

In a moment, she matter-of-factly began describing the features of the room where her mother was sitting reading a book. Having worked with hundreds of people by this time in my career, it wasn't difficult to recognize the innate ability of the human mind to bring back very vivid details of even the most supressed memories, so nothing was much out of the ordinary to this point; she was home, where she wanted to be, and her anxieties were under control. But then a fleeting thought popped into my head, which I innocently pursued, that changed the entire atmosphere of the session; I asked her to look at the book that her mother was reading and tell me the title.

Before I knew it, she responded with the Life of Karl Marx (we learned only later that she was reading it in preparation for a university class she had the next day). Just then I had the thought to ask her to go around to the back of her mother's chair and tell me what page she was on and read the first line of the page, which she did without hesitation. I can't even begin to describe the high we all experienced when we called later that night and discovered that what she had seen "in her mind" was indeed all true, down to the words on the page that she was reading.

Now some 20 years and literally hundreds of what I refer to as Mind Travels later, all the details of the methods and techniques used to relax the mind and actual transcripts of some of our most unusual Mind Travels have been captured in this book called Through the Eyes of a Traveler. You can Mind Travel, too; in fact, you can learn how to project your mind to any point in time and space, past, present, and future. Imagine it! For those who wish to learn the techniques in a class situation, we also offer workshops (seminars) to provide one-on-one instruction.